Dialing In

As a recently minted lawyer, you will spend a significant portion of your time on conference calls, often in a silent background role as partners and senior associates do the bulk of the talking. While you may not contribute much to the substance of these calls, one effective way to leave an impression is by having a strong presence during the moments when a call is ramping up and winding down. Proactively announcing your presence in detail (“This is Jim from the corporate team at Firm X, dialing in from our New York office”), aggressively keeping track of other entrants to the call (“Who just joined?”, “Did I just hear a beep?”), jumping in to flag unwanted noise (“Could whoever is in an airport please mute your line?”, “I’m hearing an echo—is anyone else hearing an echo?”) and joining in effusively as a call wraps (“Thanks so much everyone and have a really great weekend!”) are effective tactics that will quickly get you noticed by the higher-ups.